Saturday, June 21, 2008

And then a miracle occurred...

I was wondering what to do about my destroyed camera (see my
previous blog post). Buy a cheap replacement camera? Switch to disposables? I had little hope of finding one here as good as the one I had. But wandering around Roadtown I found they had one electronics store, and that store had one model of a good digital camera very similar to the one I had (and uses the same memory cards). Good news! So I got that and now I can continue to blog with pics. But this is not the end of the story. Something truly miraculous happened. Remember that my memory card was rendered unreadable since it was in the camera at the time it went for a swim? I tried to extract the information off the chip at least a dozen times in different ways, and almost threw the chip away in frustration. But I didn't, and I happened to try it once again today and this time it worked!! This means I lost no pictures at all. Hooray!!

Linguistic Note: Here people say "Good night" as a greeting, whereas we say "Good morning/afternoon/evening" as a greeting, but use "good night" only as a good bye.

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