Friday, June 10, 2022

Living Spherically

I love nonstop flights! It took exactly 11 hours to reach Switzerland. Long flight, but since there were no stops it felt easy. A couple meals, a couple movies, 8 hours of sleep -- and I arrived in Zurich fully rested and not feeling tired at all.

Typical streets in Zurich 
In one of the in-flight movies, one character relates a quote supposedly from Frederico Fellini, the Italian director: "You should live life spherically -- in all directions."

Imagine yourself at the center of a large sphere. Do you take a single path and reach a single point on the outside of the sphere?  Or do you try several different paths and experience several different points on the sphere?

Could be fake but still a cool quote, and and is a philosophy I have tried to follow in my own life. For example, this trip!

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