Wednesday, June 12, 2024

An Umu for the Ages

Much like I did the last time I was here, I threw a big umu[1] for all my friends on Rapa Nui. I purchased everything needed for the umu; meat, fish, veggies, drinks, ice cream, tablecloths, plates, utensils, LED string lights, car battery (don't ask!), etc. The meat consisted of: an entire lamb (!), a whole side of beef ribs, a bunch of chicken, and a whole large tuna. Main veggie was camote (sweet potato) and onions, tomatoes, cilantro, lettuce etc, for a salad. It was held at my friend Jhonny's house in Te Hoe Manu. We dug a pit in the ground and put in some burning coals. On top of that was placed the meat and camote, and covered it up. We let it cook for about 4 hours. 

In the meantime, the guests started arriving.  About 30 people in all came!  Many I knew from before, others I just met at the party. It served as my farewell party as I would be boarding the ship the next day, as well as a chance to reconnect with my friends. It was so much fun!

When the food was ready we took it out of the pit. Jhonny said a few words and so did I. Then we sat down to eat.  The meat was oh, so tender!  The fish was served raw, as ceviche. The salad and veggies were great too, and we did not skip ice cream for dessert.  Everything was so delicious and everyone raved about it! 

But the most delicious thing of all was spending time with friends!

[1] Umu is the Polynesian word for a big feast, called a curanto in Spanish or a luau in Hawaiian.

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