Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Mutiny at Pitcairn!

We had so much fun on the first day at Pitcairn that the passengers and crew REALLY wanted to spend a second day on the island, but the Captain steadfastly refused to allow it! So we split into two groups: those supporting the captain, and those wanting to remain on the island for an extra day.  After a secret meeting in the aft cargo compartment, those of us opposing the captain decided to mutiny!  Under cover of darkness and with Timo's help, we stole the Zodiac and headed back  to the island.  It was tricky negotiating the large waves in total darkness and more than once we nearly crashed the Zodiac against the rocks!

Once on shore we deliberately punctured the Zodiac and let it sink to the bottom of the sea to destroy the evidence. We knew they would come looking for us in the morning so we split up and found separate hiding places. Robbie and Esa climbed up to Christian's Cave while I opted for Sailor's Hideout. Grant went Downrope and hid by the petroglyphs. Sandy and Penny went Tedside and hid with Mrs. T, the giant Galapagos tortoise. The rest hid behind the bar at Christian's Cafe (Steve & Olive's house).

Ok this entire post was made up[1], but cool story huh? 

[1] Including this sentence!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I absolutely would have been at the bar… this story is questionable…Robbie