Saturday, June 8, 2024

Back in the "Santiago" again!

I'm back in Santiago (Chile) again, a city I've been to many times before. I like the city, and by now it feels very familiar. I'm only here for one night before flying to Rapa Nui[1], an island I have also been to many times before. There I will board a sailing ship as part of the Darwin 200 Project, a very ambitious project to recreate Darwin's famous voyages on the HMS Beagle. I will discuss this project in detail in a separate blog post.

It’s cool here, 58F as it’s winter here in the Southern Hemisphere.

The first thing I did upon arriving in Santiago is attempt to make a reservation at my favorite steak restaurant here, but to my great disappointment I discovered it had closed down! So I searched and found another steak restaurant called Oporto. I ordered the "Filete con mantequilla de trufa quemada en el momento" which means "Filet (of steak) with butter from burnt truffle in the moment". What does "in the moment" mean" It means the last part is done at the table using a blowtorch to melt the butter from the truffles!

[1] More commonly known as Easter Island, or Isla de Pascua in Spanish. Rapa Nui is the Polynesian name and this is the name I prefer to use. A law was recently passed in Chile to make this the official name now.


Darpa Anireddy said...

Nice mama!

Ajeya said...

Steak looks good!