Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Dolphins keep me company

Today I went kayaking, one of my favorite activities. I got a kayak, paddled UNDER my bungalow and out into the lagoon on the North side of Moorea island.

The water was a beautiful light blue and crystal clear. There were swimmers, snorklers, yachts, jetskis, and va'a [1] all enjoying the beautiful lagoon of Moorea. 

But very soon to my great joy and surprise, a whole pod of dolphins swam right next to my kayak! They swam around in big circles around the bay. They were apparently feeding but they were also clearly having fun. They would dive down for a few minutes, then come up for air at an unexpected place so I had to keep scanning around for them. Usually when they came up one of them would leap out of the water and do a flip, spin, or other acrobatic move. But I kept missing them on camera. Finally after many attempts I caught them on my camera. See the end of the video below!

Two minutes of dolphins - watch until the end! 
Soundtrack is from one of my favorite groups The Mermen

[1] A va'a is a Polynesian style outrigger canoe

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